Monday, July 22, 2013

Style Blog: Get in My Closet

Click these pictures to find out where you may purchase the items:


Love my Sam & Libby shoes!  Lucky for you they are on sale online for only $19.95 at Target.  I bought them at the store for $29.95.

My Favorite Accessories on Sale Now:


Rainy Day Sailing

Charleston often has afternoon showers in the summer.  The beauty is, these showers only last an hour or so and then the sun comes right back out to say hello.

The dinghy ride out to the sailboat at the mooring...

You too can get out on the water while you are visiting Charleston.  Take a boat ride out to Fort Sumter Island and tour a piece of American History.  The tour will pick you up 3x a day from downtown Charleston or 2x a day from Patriot's Point.  Tours are $18 for adults and $11 for children.  Click here to visit Fort Sumter Tour website or give them a call to make reservations 1-800-789-3678.

Dog Still Loves Boat...

We've arrived home and to a one-legged bird...

A Very Happy Charleston-er!