Monday, November 25, 2013

Boating with Bloodys

Bloody Marys that is....

Mark poured some drinks and we headed out to the beach by boat...

We used our favorite Bloody Mary mix from Charleston Mix.  The recipe uses jalapeƱos instead of horseradish.

There's no better way to dress your drink than with these spicy okra pickles.  Yum!

Shoes from Target

Love this dog!  Look at her little "elbow macaronis" (toenails which she won't let anyone cut).

 A little rain won't hurt.  

When it rains in Charleston, the sun most always finds its way back in only a few short ticks.

The best spot on the boat...

A little dancing...

Followed by some burgers on the grill at anchor... 

All aboard the dinghy, let's check out the beach! 

The view of our sailboat as we head to shore...

All fours in the air = one awesome day!

One happy dog...

 Everyone is tuckered out...

The views keep getting better and better from where I'm standing!

Hope you enjoyed our beach visit.  There will be plenty more in the future.