I have this friend I want to introduce you to, her name is Katie. I spent this morning reading emails and letters from my beautiful friend. To everyone she's Katie, but in some letters she signed Kate.
Katie is one of those people who you cannot describe to anyone who has not met her. Even those who have, cannot believe she is human. She is talented, kind, loving, she is quick-witted, and again words are not enough.I met Katie at college in Savannah, GA. We hit it off right away and our friendship is nothing short of hysterically fun and truly cherished memories. Randomly, one day she asked to be called Kate and started signing letters to me and maybe to others as Kate. This was funny to me because I didn't believe her. I didn't think she was being serious. She always was and is to everyone who knows her, Katie. I couldn't do it, call her Kate. I believe she kept signing Kate to emails and letters for as long as she could to continue making me laugh.In one of her letters I read this morning she wrote these sweet words to me, " I can't wait to grow old together my little firecracker of a friend!"
"Love you to the moon and back,
Kate"My favorite accessory of hers were a pair of old lady cataract sunglasses she picked up from a gas station and wore while she drove. These literally covered from mid-forehead to her upper lip. She wore them straight - faced an entire 6 hour road trip as I cracked up laughing. They looked a little like this:Katie purposely did not buy a cell phone when we were younger because she didn't want to be bothered by one. On one particular road trip with friends, she found an old calculator in the back of my car, placed it to her ear as if it were a phone, and pretended to have a conversation with someone for a good 15 minutes. Everyone in the car believed her including me. I finally realized she was on a calculator and talking to herself when I remembered she doesn't have a cell phone.Katie is so good at making everyone laugh. I found some emails and thought I would share :
This was one of those "fill this out emails" she sent for her sister, Annie:
(I have only omitted some to keep this short)Katie writes:"This is for Annie. I have never humored her before (by filling one of these out) so now I have.Answer all the questions yourself. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know *INCLUDING* the person who sent it to you! Add a question of your own at the end!1. What is your full name? Katherine Rosemary Hammontree2. What are you wearing right now? blue jeans, black turtleneck, eyelet suede jacket.4. What was the last thing you ate? A fruit and cream starburst that I found in the bottom of my bag.5. Do you wish on stars? negative6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? white8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? little Annie9. Do you like the person who sent you this? so much, 10 trips accross the Milky Way and on to forever.21. What was your favorite toy as a child? Fisher Price telescope (Do you remember that Annie? Mama caught a scorpion and we looked at it under the telescope).22. Best vacation ever? Spring Break 1999 with Whit, Ash, Jill, Britt, Griff & Mel26. Who is most likely to respond? Annie. I am just doing this to prove her wrong since she said I was least likely to respond.30. Who is your favorite actor? Don't have one. But Paul Newman was so great.33. Favorite smells? Caleb (her brother) and Christmas44. If there is one person you could meet who would it be? Oswald Chambers (but he is dead)45. Are you happy in life right now? insanely happy46. If you had to chop off one of your fingers, which one would it be? left pinky53. Diamonds or pearls? pearls56. What is your favorite cuisine? Mama's (smile)57. What foods do you dislike? cheap meat (?), onions562. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Antarctica63. Favorite time of day? anytime except driving home from work time64. What was your most memorable birthday? I do not know but I have always had the most fun at Annie's parties...hay ride (when Rachel played football), spring house (when Kim and J.R. were kissing and Annie had just made cheerleading), first party in the big room when we didn't have furniture yet, surprise party (when the Murray County boys came in with their letterman jackets on and Ben was mad).70. Most adventurous thing you've ever done? Tumbled down the wrong side of the mountain and then hitch hiked with man named Charles, some kids smoking" (something) "and two boys with a big dog named Olef...in order to get back to the right side of the mountain. "
We were so blessed to have Merriwether, her daughter, in our wedding.
Here is a brief snippet of one email questionaire she filled out for me. It made me smile today:
"Your name: Katie Hammontree
Where did we meet: Speech & Public Speaking class, Savannah College of Art & Design
How long have you known me: 6 years in September
What's your favorite memory of me: oh good grief, I have loved every single solitary moment that I have spent with you. I liked running around the dorms at 5 in the morning, holding our noses when we ran by the dumpsters. All our roadtrips were great too.
Any special talents: doing the dolphin and clicking your heels like a leprechaun"
We lost Katie to Adult Myeloid Leukemia 6 years ago today. The world lost such a beautiful soul. She was only 26 years old and she was pregnant with a son, Bascom. Bascom and Katie were survived by her husband Jacob and their sweet daughter Merriwether.
Below are Katie and her daughter, Merriwether: At this moment she was in recovery and her hair had started to grow back from chemotherapy.
Below are Katie and her daughter, Merriwether: At this moment she was in recovery and her hair had started to grow back from chemotherapy.
I could go on and on about my dear, sweet, talented friend. She is truly missed and loved.
And we all miss you to the moon and back, "Kate!"
Please check out this website to read more about her story: www.khwfund.org