Welcome to Robert Lange Studios and let me introduce you to some serious artists.
Meet Adam Hall, the artist who's show brought us to Robert Lange Studios. He is an incredible, self taught artist who uses mostly charcoals and oil. Adam says his inspiration for his landscapes comes from his global travels to aid those in need. Checkout some of his amazing paintings here.
We started upstairs with a refreshing champagne concoction.
We grabbed a delicious drink from these lovely ladies to start... Marjorie, Brie, and Brooke...
Robert Lange Studios' space itself is so intriguing. We enjoyed peering through the open floor grate to watch as everyone played on the swing below.
Yup, there's a swing in the gallery. How fun, right?
Everywhere you look in this gallery you'll find some sort of inspiration...
This is the artist, Adam Hall, and our friend, Michael, who introduced us. Adam and Michael's friendship started back in college and Michael is married to my friend from college, Whitney. We were so lucky to have them visit all the way from Nashville, TN.
Robert Lange gave a toast to Adam's exhibit, Stirring Wild.
Whitney and I started backwards, we checked out the artwork upstairs and made our way down.
There it is, the beautiful swing!
Mark kindly gave us a push. While poor Whitney was making faces and assuming I was too, something caught my eye.
I'm not quite sure what it was that caught my eye, maybe at this point Mark gave up on swinging us. I'm going with that, I think I was hoping he would come back and push us for hours.
Congratulations Adam! You are a truly, talented artist.
Everywhere we stood that evening we heard conversations around us with complete admiration of his landscape collection.
Everywhere we stood that evening we heard conversations around us with complete admiration of his landscape collection.
With all of these artistic individuals surrounding us we wanted to take part. We chose to do a little artistic re-interpretation.
We added this little bit on our own.
And this bit.
Then Mark joined in on the fun... I think he's the most talented at this though.
Michael may have tied with Mark here...
Michael Logen is another talented artist (singer/songwriter) and friend of Adam and Michael's from school. We had the pleasure of attending his private concert at the gallery after Adam's show.
Michael Logen's songs were featured on television shows like "Parenthood", "One Tree Hill", "The Hills", and more. He also wrote, with Jennifer Hanson, Kelly Clarkson's "Breaking Your Own Heart" which was part of the album "Stronger". "Stronger" won a Grammy in 2013 for "Best Pop Vocal Album". What? So cool!
We were all blown away by Michael Logen's incredible talent as well. If only you could have heard him in person. Truly a talent, what a gift to be able to write, sing, and make a living at what you love to do.
The evening ended at the Gin Joint.
Gin, wine, soft pretzels, oysters, and their take on grilled cheese... thinly sliced cheese baked and turned into a wrap and filled with ham. So good...
... with some of the largest ice cubes you have ever seen...
That was just day one. Wait until you see our sailing adventure with this talented group.
J.Crew Necklace, on sale now!
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I love this J.Crew "shift dress", on sale now!
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