Rainy day, sugary cravings, and a lover's stroll.
What do you do on a rainy day when you are craving sweets and know about a bakery only 1 block away? What should you do when you have lived this close to the bakery for a whole year and you have held off this long to indulge in the yummy, creamy goodness? Grab your hubby (tell him his gym time can wait) and hop, skip or jump there as fast as you can!
Sugar Bakeshop is the bakery around the corner. We finally hopped over there and without disappointment (Next time, with my Hunter boots so I can actually hop in some of the many rain puddles). It was 5:55 and they were closing at 6 PM.
Choices, choices...
I grabbed this yummy chocolate mint cupcake to go and some San Pellegrino.
Luckily the rained paused while I sat outside to devour this gooey, sugary treat.
Holy moly! One happy little Charleston-er here!