The Charleston-er Blog has taken a back seat to my dental school finals for the past 3 weeks. But now I am back and with a new name, CHARLESMOPOLITAN!
Why did I change the name? The Charleston-er is easily broken up into two words that make the blog seem as though it is about something other than Charleston. Calling the blog the "Charles-Stoner" gives the idea that one will be reading about something completely different. The name was intended to be all about my favorite town, Charleston, SC.
Plus, it doesn't help when I post pictures of food like these...
The last dental school final for the fall semester was yesterday morning. I am ready to post all of the food and fun I have been having these past couple of weeks now that I am rested.
There is no better feeling then cuddling up in my down comforter and getting some much needed couch time after 9 final exams.
Here is a little taste of what my past two weeks have been like. We will call it my very own, personal, Groundhog Day. I woke up to test day everyday.
But I did get to have a little fun in-between. The next blog posts include some dinners with my husband, Snow Ball (our dental school ball), an awesome Wine Crash dinner by Wine Awesomeness, our new golf cart, and even a give-away! Stay tuned for the Awesome Give-away!
I hope you like the new name, CHARLESMOPOLITAN!
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